Music, Artistry, Friendship ​
Trips and Concerts
Since our formation over 30 years ago, the band has planned trips every three years, combining our members' love of travel and music. Open to members and their family members we've enjoyed some remarkable moments and created life-long friendships.
In September 2017, Delta Music Makers 'conquered' Hungary and Austria.
Here's a look at some of the amazing concerts that took place during Delta Music Makers' journey.
In September 2015 we returned to Disneyland to help commemorate their 60th anniversary.
Past trips have included:
Disneyland in California 1988
Disney World in Florida 1991
Reno/Lake Tahoe Nevada 1994
Canyonlands of Utah and Arizona 1996
Great Britain1999
Reno 2001
Europe 2002
Maritimes 2005
Scotland/Ireland 2007